Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sunburst Orange Peels Can Make An Effective Cleaner

Are you interested in making your own natural, homemade cleaners?  Did you know that Sunburst Navel Orange Peels work great for that?

It’s the time of year that you always should have Sunburst Navel oranges around.

Here’s one way to use the peels rather than tossing them.

Juice about 3 to 4 oranges or save the peels when eating them.

Put empty rinds into a quart jar. 

Cover with white vinegar.

Seal jar well!

Invert the jar once a day.

Allow to sit for about 2 weeks.

After 2 weeks, strain out the liquid, which will smell clean and citrusy. Really, it will. There’s no other way to describe it – the bite of smelling straight vinegar is gone, and the orange smell is heavenly.

The citrus infused liquid will help cut the grease when cleaning and be a good substitute for those commercial cleaners that try to harness the natural cleaning power of oranges and then adulterate it with a bunch of other junk.

You will find that you can reuse the Sunburst orange rinds for making two to three more batches of cleaning solution. 

For overall cleaning you should mix in a ratio of anywhere from 1:1 to 8:1 with water in a spray bottle and clean anything, from counters to floors to toilets, with it.  Keep in mind that the vinegar and orange solution is NOT recommended for wood floors, granite, or marble.

Don’t forget that you can use the orange rinds to clean and refresh you garbage disposal after the last batch of orange cleaning solution.  

Are you looking for the perfect gift for business associates, family or friends? A quick visit to http://sunburstoranges.com can solve all of your fresh gift giving adventures. We have the finest selections and the freshest citrus you can buy.

Presented By:
Sunburst Packing Co.
180 South “E” Street
Porterville, CA  93257

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